LOS ANGELES CRIMINAL DEFENSE AND DUI LAWYER![]() First time offenders typically get the best treatment in the criminal justice system. From lighter sentences to greater sympathy from judges and prosecutors, having no criminal history is a major benefit when facing criminal charges. First time offenders also have the strongest incentive to keep their records clean, and are more likely than repeat offenders to be successful on probation or diversion, and are less likely to re-offend. NOTE: There is a difference between an 18 year old first time offender and a 40 year old first time offender. If someone is 40 and has not yet suffered any convictions, that is a more impressive, praiseworthy feat than staying out of trouble as a minor only. ELIGIBILITY FOR DIVERSION Deferred Entry of Judgement, Informal Diversion and Office Hearings with the prosecuting agency are often the best available outcome in a criminal case. Some diversion programs allow a defendant to avoid a conviction, while others allow a defendant to avoid criminal charges altogether. Sometimes this is associated with a brief period of probation and/or educational classes, but can usually be done without any jail time. Community service and community labor may be required, depending on the severity of the offense. Whether through the court or the prosecuting agency, getting your case settled through a diversion program, rather than having it end in a permanent conviction, it is most likely that prior convictions, or prior participation in a diversion program will preclude participation in diversion again. In LA Superior Court, your Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorney can make a big difference in whether you are able to take care of your case without a conviction through a diversion program. PLEA BARGAINING FOR FIRST TIME OFFENDERS Judges and prosecutors are more likely to give a break to first time offenders. Whether through an offer for diversion, probation or for a better charge or better sentence, having a clean background will play a major role in working out a favorable disposition in your criminal case. TRIAL FOR FIRST TIME OFFENDERS In the event that a favorable plea bargain, or diversion program cannot be worked out, your case may need to proceed to trial. Being a fist time offender has its benefits in trial as well. First, there will be no way for the government to try to admit prior convictions to prejudice the jury. You can freely testify without worrying that the jurors set to decide your fate will find out about a prior mistake you've made. Additionally, in the event that you lose trial, being a first time offender will likely help at sentencing. PROBATION FOR FIRST TIME OFFENDERS Most misdemeanor convictions in California will result in probation, often with some jail time. Typically three years, but as much as five years of summary ("court") probation is imposed at sentencing for most misdemeanors. In misdemeanor cases, a defendant who has no prior convictions is likely to be sentenced to better terms and much more likely to be granted probation. Probation can be denied in misdemeanor cases, but this is unlikely for first time offenders. In felony cases, it is up to a court whether to even grant probation, or to send the defendant to state prison. If probation is granted, the defendant will be on supervised, formal probation (with the LA County probation department), usually for three to five years. In felony cases, getting a grant of probation is certainly preferable to prison. Again, first time offenders are more likely to be granted probation than someone with a record in otherwise identical circumstances. First time offenders can, however, go to prison if the offense is serious enough. In the event that your charges do lead to a conviction, your criminal defense attorney can fight for you to get probation. "WOBBLERS" FOR FIRST TIME OFFENDERS In California, many crimes can be filed as either a misdemeanor or a felony. These offenses are called "wobblers". The charging prosecutor will decide whether to file the case as a misdemeanor or felony depending on (1) the severity of the offense, and (2) the defendant's criminal history. For example, second degree PC 459 (burglary) can be charged as either a misdemeanor or felony. If a first time offender is being charged, it is more likely to get a misdemeanor than if the same crime is committed by someone with a criminal record. LIGHTER SENTENCING Judges who are imposing a sentence, whether probation, jail or prison will consider a defendant's criminal history as a major determinant in sentencing. If probation is granted, the amount of accompanying jail time or community service can be lower for first-time offenders. If probation is denied, a first time offender has a better chance at getting the low term, than would someone who has a criminal record (ceteris paribus). PRIOR JUVENILE OFFENSES If the only criminal history you have is a juvenile offense, the prosecution and the court will know about it. Depending on your age (at the time of the offense and now) and the facts surrounding the offense, your lawyer might be able to convince the judge and/or prosecutor to treat your case as a first time offender. PRIOR EXPUNGED OFFENSES The judge and prosecutor will still have access to a prior case that has been expunged or that had previously been resolved through a diversion program. It is up to your attorney to effectively argue to the prosecutor and the judge that the expunged prior should not be used against you with regards to eligibility for a better sentence. If you or someone you know is facing a criminal charge for the first time, contact the Law Offices of Nicholas Loncar for a free consultation. Our office has an excellent track record of helping clients, including first time offenders, avoid jail time and avoid prison. Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorney Nicholas Loncar can help. FREE CONSULTATIONS - CALL 213-375-3775 Nicholas M. Loncar, Esq. Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorney t: 213-375-3775 | f: 213-375-3099 Mobile: 323-803-4352 [email protected] 1200 Wilshire Blvd | Suite 406 Los Angeles, CA | 90017 www.iDefendLosAngeles.com
LOS ANGELES FELONY DEFENSE LAWYER![]() "Joint Suspension" is a slang term often thrown around in jail. The first word, "joint" refers to prison (as in "the joint"), not the joining of any two things, and certainly not to a marijuana cigarette. The second word, "suspension" does not refer to any license suspension or time away from school. What the term "joint suspension" typically refers to is what is legally called a suspended prison sentence. Most felony charges in California are punishable by three different amounts of time in state prison. The most frequent of these "triads" is 16 months-two years or three years. This means that for most felonies, including simple possession of a controlled substance (HS 11350) could land you in prison for up to three years. Some other, more serious felonies, can carry longer ranges of time in state prison. To avoid a prison sentence, someone charged with a felony must either beat the charges outright (by securing a dismissal or a trial win), get the charges reduced to a misdemeanor, OR be granted probation. A probation sentence means that the defendant will not be sentenced to State Prison time, even though the conviction is for a felony charge that calls for a prison term. Often, a condition of probation will be to serve some time in County Jail (up to a one year sentence), followed by supervision through the probation department. (NOTE: Due to LA County Jail Overcrowding, defendants are released VERY early, often serving less than 10% of their sentence. This is a strong reason to want to avoid a prison term. One year in County Jail can be served in as little as two months. On the other hand, a 16 month prison sentence will be at least 8 months!). This is where the "Joint Suspension" comes into play. When probation is granted, the prison sentence is suspended. This means that it is not immediately imposed. This gives the judge two options. First, the judge may simply suspend imposition of the sentence. This is the better option. If a person is found in violation of probation, the judge may impose any of the prison terms available (low-middle-high). The judge may also reinstate probation with or without additional jail time. The other option, is called a suspended execution of sentence. Here, the judge will impose a prison term (often the high term for the offense) but suspend its actual execution (remanding defendant into the custody of the state Department of Corrections to be brought to prison). At sentencing, the judge will sometimes add that "ANY VIOLATION WILL TRIGGER EXECUTION OF THE HIGH TERM." This is a bit of a double edged sword. It can be viewed as a second chance, and a great way to avoid state prison time on a serious felony offense. On the other hand, violating probation can have very serious consequences. Even minor violations can land a probationer in state prison with a suspended sentence. This is an important consideration for anyone facing felony charges or a possible violation of felony probation. Is the defendant going to be successful on probation? Or will they violate, potentially serving more time than if probation had not been originally granted. When facing felony charges in LA, having a knowledgeable, skilled Los Angeles criminal defense attorney is absolutely essential. Navigating this difficult system the right way can have a big impact on the outcome. If you or a loved one are facing felony charges and hope to avoid prison or jail time, it would be wise to enlist the services of a defense lawyer with a successful track record in similar cases. In addition to avoiding prison, a probation sentence would make a person convicted of a felony eligible for a 1203.4 dismissal petition ("Expungement"), rather than having to wait years for a certificate of rehabilitation or governor's pardon. A probation sentence can also help to avoid some of the negative immigration consequences associated with a felony conviction. If you or someone you know is facing a new felony charge, or a possible violation of felony probation with a suspended sentence, contact the Law Offices of Nicholas Loncar for a free consultation. Our office has an excellent track record of keeping clients out of prison. Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorney Nicholas Loncar can help. FREE CONSULTATIONS 213-375-3775 Nicholas M. Loncar, Esq. Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorney t: 213-375-3775 | f: 213-375-3099 Mobile: 323-803-4352 [email protected] 1200 Wilshire Blvd | Suite 406 Los Angeles, CA | 90017 www.iDefendLosAngeles.com ![]() LOS ANGELES CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY AND DUI LAWYER Criminal charges are costly in many ways. Not only do criminal charges come with fines, fees and attorney's fees, but there are costs harder to quantify, such as loss of liberty, loss of important rights, lost wages, lost career opportunities and more. BAILING OUT OF JAIL | HOW MUCH WILL BAIL COST ME Bail is often the most costly upfront expense in fighting a criminal case. Although we operate in a system that claims its accused are presumed innocent, people are often in custody while they await a disposition and sentence in their criminal case. Your attorney can help reduce the cost of bail in two ways (1) by getting a reduction with most bail companies of a bond from 10% to 8%, and (2) by trying to get bail reduced in court. Bail can be reduced all the way to zero (own recognizance or "O.R."). Ways to get bail reduced include arguing for a reduction at arraignment, arguing for a reduction at a bail hearing, or getting the prosecutor to file a lesser charge than the police originally recommend. Our office has gotten bail reduced by as much as hundreds of thousands of dollars in a single case. This can present a major savings. Once arrested, you have a right to be brought to arraignment within two days. This means that after spending just a few days in jail, you could potentially save thousands or tens of thousands of dollars in bail bond fees. If you must get out sooner than your timely arraignment, bail may be the best option. An attorney can help put you in touch with a reputable, reliable bondsman who will treat you with professionalism and respect, while also securing you some savings on the amount of the bond. Los Angeles Felony Bail Schedule |Los Angeles Misdemeanor Bail Schedule FINES AND FEES FOR CRIMINAL CONVICTION | HOW MUCH WILL MY FINES BE Fines and fees in criminal cases do not always follow the severity of offenses. Defendants sentenced to long prison terms for serious felonies often pay no fines at all. On the other hand, a ticket for driving without insurance, paired with a failure to appear and a red light ticket will run you almost $2000 in LA County. DUI cases are also a major source of revenue for law enforcement agencies. It is not uncommon for police departments to devote more of their resources to DUI enforcement than to all other enforcement combined. The fines for DUI in LA County total roughly $1900. The base fine is $390.00, but ultimately "penalty assessments" and other fees added to the fine amount will increase the amount you must pay. Due to penalty assessments, traffic tickets can vary from about $100 in actual costs, up to over a $1000. Most misdemeanor fines are limited to $1000, with some having higher potential fines. Felony fines can also be higher. Court fees and other penalties can increase the end cost to the defendant. Your Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorney can argue and negotiate to have your fines reduced and to cost you less money. RESTITUTION COSTS | DID YOUR CRIME HAVE A VICTIM? If your crime had a victim, the court may order you to pay restitution to that victim to make whole any injury you may have caused to them or their property. Common cases that involve restitution include: Vandalism, Hit and Run, DUI (with accident), Arson, Violent Crimes, Theft Crimes and White Collar Crimes). Victimless crimes like drug crimes typically do not lead to restitution. Restitution amounts are based on the actual loss to the victim of a crime. If you have dented someone's car, and the repair was covered by insurance, but that driver had a $500 deductible, expect to pay about $500 in restitution. Restitution is usually decided at a hearing after a conviction, where victims and the defendant may present evidence. It is important to have your attorney review any restitution claims to ensure that you do not get charged too much for restitution. ATTORNEY'S FEES FOR CRIMINAL CASES | HOW MUCH DOES AN ATTORNEY COST Attorney's Fees vary significantly from attorney to attorney and case to case. Attorneys may agree to represent you on a traffic matter for several hundred dollars, or may charge over 100,000 for representation in a murder trial. Effective representation in misdemeanor cases typically requires no less than ten hours. More complex cases, especially those with complicated motion issues take more time to be done right. If your case is not likely to go to trial and you do not wish to assert your right to a trial, you will not pay a trial fee. Trial is time consuming and expensive, but very few cases proceed that far. Criminal cases are much more likely to be dismissed in the pretrial stages or to settle on terms agreeable to the defendant than to proceed to trial. At the Law Offices of Nicholas Loncar, we offer fair, reasonable flat fees based on a time estimate. We also conveniently accept all major credit cards and offer flexible payment plans. Keep in mind that those deemed able to pay by the court may be required to pay for using the services of the public defender. While this cost will likely be lower than the fees charged by private counsel, defendants who end up paying for the public defender's services do not have any power to choose their representation. LOSS OF LIBERTY | HOW MUCH IS YOUR FREEDOM WORTH There's really no good way to measure the value of your freedom and liberty. The easiest part of your liberty to quantify is your earnings. If you are in jail for three months, you will not be earning any income for that time. Bills will not stop, however. Few people can afford to do significant jail time while still making rental or mortgage payments, car payments, bills, utilities, food, etc. On top of the immediate financial loss of your wages, jail is unpleasant, and can be dangerous. Not having to experience jail has significant value. Here are some ways we can help you avoid jail EMPLOYMENT PROSPECTS AND ADVANCEMENT | THE VALUE OF KEEPING YOUR RECORD CLEAN Criminal convictions and jail sentences can have devastating effects on your career and lifestyle. Misdemeanor and felony convictions can make finding a job very difficult. Getting into school, or obtaining professional licensing for careers in nursing, medicine, law, law enforcement, contracting, and more can be hampered by NOTE: Immigration consequences of criminal convictions are important to consider when considering the cost of a criminal charge, arrest, case or conviction. Theses costs may include additional immigration detention, immigration bond, deportation, immigration attorney's fees and much more. COST OF A CONSULTATION? FREE! CALL 213-375-3775 NOW TO DISCUSS YOUR CASE! The costs of a criminal conviction can be severe, and can haunt you forever. You want to do everything you can to avoid a criminal conviction in your case. If there are motions that can get your case dismissed, evidence that helps your side, or any holes in the government's case, you can avoid a criminal conviction and avoid jail time. If you have been arrested, charged with a crime or may be under investigation for a crime, contact the Law Offices of Nicholas Loncar now for a Free Consultation with a Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorney. Nicholas M. Loncar, Esq. Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorney t: 213-375-3775 | f: 213-375-3099 Mobile: 323-803-4352 [email protected] 1200 Wilshire Blvd | Suite 406 Los Angeles, CA | 90017 www.iDefendLosAngeles.com LOS ANGELES CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY AND DUI LAWYER![]() If you have been arrested, cited or charged with a crime, one of the main questions you might have for your attorney is: DO I HAVE TO GO TO COURT? Often, an attorney can appear on your behalf, without it being necessary for you to ever set foot in the courtroom. Other times, your appearance, with your attorney, may be necessary. The main law concerning this topic is Penal Code Section 977. There is no short, easy answer regarding whether you must appear in court with your lawyer, but this article attempts to explain the laws and practicalities of this issue. For specific case questions, contact our office anytime for a free consultation. 213-375-3775. 977(a) - APPEARANCE BY ATTORNEY IN MISDEMEANOR AND INFRACTION CASES Penal Code Section 977(a) pertains to misdemeanors and infractions, and is, in effect, an agreement between the client and defense counsel, to have the attorney stand in and appear on the client's behalf. In traffic cases, this authority is broad, and counsel can almost always handle all portions of a case without the client ever needing to be present. Even if there is a warrant for failure to appear, a lawyer can make the court appearances without the client being present. Most traffic trial defenses can also be asserted by the attorney without client present. If the client wishes to testify to facts that led to a traffic citation, the client must be present. Additionally, for some red light camera tickets, the judge will require the defendant to be present if identity of the driver is at issue in the case; this in no way limits an attorney's ability to seek a dismissal of a red light camera ticket where there is a blurry photo, gender, race or age mismatch, or other glaring evidence that the driver is not the same person as the defendant (registered owner). For misdemeanors, PC 977(a) also permits an attorney to make most appearances on behalf of the client. This is convenient for clients who need not really be present at meaningless stages of a case. For example, at arraignment, your attorney can enter the not guilty plea on your behalf, pick up the discovery (police reports and other evidence) and begin to prepare for your next court date. If more evidence is needed, or the case must be continued for another reason, the client really would not need to be present at the court date seeking the continuance. Misdemeanor 977 authority is not limitless, however. In Domestic Violence cases, many judges will not accept an attorney's appearance at the arraignment, or at the plea. This is due to the criminal protective orders that are typically issued in these cases. The judge cannot order someone to do anything if that person is not there. Additionally, defendants in a misdemeanor case must be present (i.e. cannot waive their presence) at trial. In many cases, a defendant can avoid ever going to court. If the case is dismissed early in the proceedings, the client need not appear. If a favorable plea deal can be negotiated, the necessary court paperwork can usually be notarized and submitted to the court by the attorney at the court date. Misdemeanor warrants depend on the judge. Some will permit an attorney to appear on behalf of the client to clear the warrant, others will require the defendant be personally present. 977(b) - APPEARANCE BY ATTORNEY IN FELONY CASES Unlike misdemeanors and infractions, felony defendants are generally required to attend court with their attorneys. The exception to this rule, is a written waiver, per Penal Code Section 977(b). A defendant may miss a felony court appearance, and have the attorney stand in with a written waiver of presence, subject to approval by the judge. This can help a client facing a felony avoid some of the less important court appearances. A defendant would still need to be present at trial, at a preliminary hearing, or at a plea or sentencing. However, missing some of the pretrial conferences or dates where the attorneys know will not require the defendant's presence can be helpful in allowing a defendant to avoid missing work or other obligations while fighting a case. APPEARANCE BY ATTORNEY IN DOMESTIC VIOLENCE CASES In Domestic Violence Misdemeanors, it is often required that the defendant be present at the first court date, the arraignment. The reason for this is, that pending a disposition of most domestic violence cases, the court will issue a protective order. The court cannot issue a protective order unless the defendant is present. For this reason, it will most likely be necessary that a person charged with a domestic violence case, even if a misdemeanor, will need to be present, in court, for at least the first court appearance, the arraignment. APPEARANCE BY ATTORNEY TO CLEAR A WARRANT Clearing a warrant through your attorney, without being present is done frequently. For infraction cases, an attorney will definitely be able to clear the warrant without the defendant needing to be present. Felony Failures to Appear cannot be fulfilled without a personal appearance by the defendant. Misdemeanors are tricky. Legally, it is up to the judge. Some factors that play into whether to permit a 977 appearance to clear a warrant include: -defendant's distance from the court, and other reasons making travel to court difficult -reason for the failure to appear in court -time passed since the failure to appear -the severity of the initial offense -defendant's compliance with other obligations to the court WHEN CAN AN ATTORNEY APPEAR ON MY BEHALF -Virtually all traffic appearances -Most misdemeanor arraignments and pretrials -Some misdemeanor Failure to Appear / Warrant Recall -Some felony appearances (with written waiver of presence) WHEN CAN AN ATTORNEY NOT APPEAR ON MY BEHALF -Most Felony Court Appearances, especially preliminary hearing and trial -At trial, unless a traffic trial -Failure to Appear on a Felony -Failure to appear on some misdemeanors -Domestic Violence Arraignment and/or Sentencing PROUDLY SERVING CLIENTS THROUGHOUT SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA: LA Superior Courts Orange County Superior Courts Ventura County Superior Courts Riverside County Superior Courts San Bernardino County Superior Courts Santa Barbara County Superior Courts Nicholas M. Loncar, Esq. Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorney t: 213-375-3775 | f: 213-375-3099 Mobile: 323-803-4352 [email protected] 1200 Wilshire Blvd | Suite 406 Los Angeles, CA | 90017 www.iDefendLosAngeles.com VALLEY GLEN CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY AND DUI LAWYER Valley Glen, CA is located in the central portion of Los Angeles' San Fernando Valley. Nearby are the LA neighborhoods of North Hollywood, Van Nuys, Valley Village, Studio City, Sherman Oaks, Encino, Sun Valley, Arleta and Panorama City. With a population of nearly 60,000 people, Valley Glen is considered highly diverse with large Mexican and Armenian populations, in particular. Valley Glen is home to LA Valley College, Ulysses S. Grant High School and the Great Wall of Los Angeles, a portion of the LA River painted with murals depicting California history. Valley Glen has lower crime rates than nearby Van Nuys and North Hollywood, and crimes range in severity from DUI and drug crimes, up to violent crimes, including domestic violence. Los Angeles Police Department is in charge of law enforcement in the area, with California Highway Patrol in charge of issuing tickets and making arrests on the Freeways passing through the neighborhood. The LA County Sheriff's Department has jurisdiction over the Orange Line Busway passing through the area. Criminal and Traffic cases proceed to the Van Nuys Courthouse. If you have been arrested or charged with a crime in Valley Glen, Van Nuys, North Hollywood, Sherman Oaks, Valley Village, Stuido City, Sun Valley, Panorama City, or anywhere else in the San Fernando Valley or Los Angeles, you need an attorney familiar with the Van Nuys Courthouse. The Law Offices of Nicholas Loncar, located on Ventura Blvd in Studio City, are nearby Valley Glen and LA Valley College. Contact a San Ferndando Valley Criminal Defense Lawyer now for a free consultation. SOME EXAMPLES OF VALLEY GLEN CRIMINAL DEFENSE ARRESTS: 1. Christopher, a student at Valley College is waiting for the bus, when some LA County Sheriff's Deputies come around checking metro cards for fares. Christopher did tap his card, and reaches into his pocket to pull it out. Along with the card, a small bag containing about a gram of cocaine falls out of Christopher's pocket. Chris is arrested and charged with HS 11350 (possession of a controlled substance). He bails out of jail and is given a date to go to court in Van Nuys. If Christopher has no prior drug convictions, his attorney might be able to get Christopher into the deferred entry of judgement (DEJ/PC1000) program, where he will avoid a conviction on his record. If Christopher has a record, his lawyer may be able to persuade the DA to amend the charge to HS 11377, which can be reduced to a misdemeanor. 2. Stephanie is pulled over shortly after smoking marijuana in her car. Stephanie has a valid CA medical marijuana doctor's recommendation. Still, even with a prescription, driving under the influence of any drug (not just alcohol) is DUI, pursuant to VC 23152(e). Stephanie is arrested for DUI, and booked into jail. She is released late that evening and given a court date to appear in Van Nuys Courthouse, Dept. 104 for a DUI arraignment. Stephanie's skilled Studio City DUI Lawyer points out that the arresting officer was not a drug recognition expert and that the evidence that Stephanie is under the influence is flimsy. Stephanie's case is reduced to reckless driving, and she is not convicted of DUI. Moreover, the DMV did not initiate an administrative license suspension process because that process is for 3. Rick, a Valley Village resident and Valley College student, receives a red light camera ticket. He looks up the ticket and sets a court date. Rick had lent his car to his girlfriend, who was actually driving when the ticket was issued. He later finds advice online, telling him that he does not need to appear in court. The problem is, since he set up the court date, the judge issues a Failure to appear in court. With the FTA fine, the red light camera ticket fine has now ballooned to over $1200. Rick hires an attorney to handle the ticket. Rick's lawyer appears in Van Nuys Traffic Court, Dept. 102, explaining to the judge that Rick, a male, was not the driver pictured and is under no obligation to disclose who the driver was. The judge dismisses the case, including the FTA, in exchange for a $25 dismissal fee. 4. Kelly and Ian are married and live together in an apartment in Valley Glen. One night, neighbors overhear a loud argument they are having, and call the police when they hear something break. LAPD officers show up at their door, and ask what is going on. Kelly and Ian initially deny that anything has happened. One officer asks Kelly to come outside, and she agrees. The other asks if he can come in and talk to Ian. The officers have divided the couple, and then begin to use a common tactic to elicit accusations of domestic violence. The officer talking to Kelly tells her that Ian said she threw a plate at him. Ian never said this, but Kelly is mad because she thinks Ian betrayed her, and says that Ian was the violent one, stating that he pushed her. These claims were false, but Ian is arrested and charged with a violation of PC 243(e)(1) (spousal battery). Ian hires a skilled Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorney, who gets a private investigator to question Kelly and Ian, and forwards his findings to the investigating detective and the LA City Attorney. The City Attorney agrees not to file charges, and Ian's case never gets to court. He will not suffer a conviction, jail time, probation or 52 weeks of domestic violence counseling. Best possible outcome. Being arrested or charged with a crime is a scary process. Having a skilled, experienced attorney by your side to walk you through the process is an important part of getting the best outcome possible. Attorney Nicholas Loncar has a strong record of helping clients avoid convictions and avoid jail time. Guilty or Innocent, you need a passionate attorney to fight for your rights and assert all available defenses on your behalf. Call now for a free consultation. We can discuss the details of your case, assess possible defenses and explain the court process to you. An arrest or criminal charges do not mean that you are guilty. You have a right to fight any charges against you, and might be able to avoid a conviction, avoid jail time, and avoid other consequences like difficulties with employment, immigration and professional licensing. Nicholas M. Loncar, Esq. Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorney t. 818-646-8788 | f: 818-646-8772 MOBILE: 323-803-4352 www.iDefendLosAngeles.com [email protected] 12198 Ventura Blvd | Suite 207 Studio City, CA | 91604
TOLUCA LAKE CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY AND DUI LAWYER Toluca Lake is a small community in Southeast portion of LA's San Fernando Valley, located nearby Burbank, North Hollywood, Valley Village and Studio City. It is just a short trip from the Law Offices of Nicholas Loncar on Ventura Boulevard in Studio City. Toluca Lake is a very small, well-educated, affluent community. With under 10,000 residents, it has some a low population density compared with the rest of Los Angeles. Named for the natural lake located in the region, Toluca Lake is scenic, quiet and peaceful. Restaurants and other local businesses line the major streets, such as Riverside Drive, Cahuenga Boulevard and Moorpark Street. Homes and apartments fill in the rest, with Lakeside Golf Club on the South side. Crime rates are fairly low in this safe community. The gang violence and street-level drug trade that plagues much of Los Angeles has virtually no presence in Toluca Lake. Also with a higher mean age than the LA City and LA County average, there is not as much of a party scene as nearby Studio City and North Hollywood. Still, generally law-abiding citizens do find themselves in handcuffs and facing criminal charges. Toluca Lake is policed by the LAPD, and criminal cases proceed to the Van Nuys Courthouse. Cases are aggressively prosecuted by the Los Angeles City Attorney (misdemeanors) and the LA County District Attorney's Office (felonies). Traffic tickets are often handled by the law enforcement agency directly (LAPD or CHP) and can also be fought by an attorney, usually without your presence being required in court. DUI and Domestic Violence cases are most common. With little else to occupy their time, police in Toluca Lake are able to focus their efforts on targeted DUI enforcement, and receive special training in DUI and domestic violence investigations. Theft crimes, retail, automobile and residential, are not as common as in other parts of LA, but do happen. Marijuana and Drug crimes do happen as well. If you have been arrested or charged with a crime in Toluca Lake, Studio City, Universal City, North Hollywood, Burbank, Glendale, Los Feliz, or anywhere else in Los Angeles, contact the Law Offices of Nicholas Loncar for a free consultation with a Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorney. EXAMPLE OF A TOLUCA LAKE ARREST AND CRIMINAL DEFENSE CASE:Bob is a Burbank resident and a medical marijuana patient. Bob is driving home from dinner in Toluca Lake (and had also visited a local medical marijuana dispensary earlier that day) when he is pulled over for going through a red light a little late. Upon approaching Bob's vehicle, the officer notices the smell of marijuana, likely from the medical marijuana Bob had purchased that day. Bob had not yet smoked marijuana that day, but smokes marijuana in his home every night. There might also be an odor of burnt marijuana on some of his clothing and other belongings as he did not shower before heading to the beach for the day The officer asks Bob if he knows why he is being pulled over. Bob admits to running through the light a little late, but seems alert and answers the question succinctly. Bob hands over his documents and the officer asks him to step out of the car. Bob is asked to perform some field sobriety tests and does fine, losing his balance once when his leg was raised, but otherwise followed all directions well and performed the tasks asked of him. Despite Bob's decent performance of the FSTs, the officer places his under arrest for DUI. At the station, Bob refuses to submit to a blood or urine test, now facing a potential 1 year license suspension as well as DUI charges in court. At the DMV hearing, the issue will be whether Bob actually refused, including whether the arrest was a lawful DUI arrest. The criminal (court) DUI case against Bob consists of the smell of marijuana and one minor mistake on the FSTs. Here, the DMV hearing is much tougher. Bob hires a Los Angels Drug DUI Lawyer who gets started right away on Bob's defense. The attorney schedules a DMV hearing, and subpoenas the arresting officer to testify at the hearing. With a strong cross examination and skilled argument, the lawyer is able to convince the hearing officer that there was not enough evidence to make a DUI arrest, negating the refusal. Bob wins the DMV hearing and will not face the 1 year suspension. In court, Bob has a right to take his case to trial and to make the government prove that he is guilty of a crime. Bob's lawyer is able to persuade the prosecutor to offer Bob a reckless driving instead ("dry" reckless). Bob does not wish to endure the stress, time and cost of trial, opting instead to plead guilty to reckless driving. The DUI is dismissed and Bob's reckless driving conviction cannot be used against him as a prior DUI should a future DUI arrest occur. Being arrested, or being charged with a crime is a scary thought. It is also an unfamiliar experience for many. Having a passionate, aggressive Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorney on your side is absolutely essential. Not only will you have a better understanding of the court process, but it is important to have someone who understands those procedures to assert your rights and assert defenses on your behalf. Your arrest does not have to lead to a conviction. You may be able to avoid charges altogether, avoid a conviction, avoid jail time, save your driver's license, or get your charges reduced to something less serious. We will fight hard to get you the best possible outcome in your criminal case. Nicholas M. Loncar, Esq. Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorney t. 818-646-8788 | f: 818-646-8772 MOBILE: 323-803-4352 www.iDefendLosAngeles.com [email protected] 12198 Ventura Blvd | Suite 207 Studio City, CA | 91604 SAN FERNANDO VALLEY CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY AND DUI LAWYER![]() THE LAW OFFICES OF NICHOLAS LONCAR PROVIDES VAN NUYS, BURBANK, GLENDALE, SAN FERNANDO, SANTA CLARITA, STUDIO CITY, SHERMAN OAKS, TOLUCA LAKE, NORTH HOLLYWOOD, NORTHRIDGE, ENCINO, TARZANA, RESEDA, PACOIMA AND THE REST OF THE SAN FERNANDO VALLEY WITH PASSIONATE, AGGRESSIVE AND AFFORDABLE CRIMINAL DEFENSE. Law enforcement and prosecutions in the San Fernando Valley (Van Nuys Courthouse, Burbank Courthouse, San Fernando Courthouse, Glendale Courthouse) Los Angeles' San Fernando Valley (commonly called "The Valley" is a broad and diverse region in the Northern part of LA County. Roughly two thirds of the San Fernando Valley is part of the City of Los Angeles, with the other incorporated cities being Burbank, Glendale, San Fernando, Hidden Hills and Calabasas. The neighborhoods making up the Valley's part of the City of Los Angeles include Van Nuys, Sherman Oaks, Encino, North Hollywood, Toluca Lake, Valley Glen, Tarzana, Reseda, Northridge, Chatsworth, North Hills, Mission Hills, Sun Valley and of course, Studio City (home to our law office, located on Ventura Boulevard). CALL NOW FOR A FREE CONSULTATION 818-646-8788 The LA City regions in the Valley are patrolled by the LAPD, while Burbank, Glendale and San Fernando have their own police departments. The LA County Sheriff's Department's Lost Hills Station provides law enforcement services to Hidden Hills and Calabasas. Most of the criminal matters in the San Fernando Valley are heard at the Van Nuys Courthouse. Burbank, Glendale and San Fernando have courthouses as well, with matters originating in those cities heard in those courthouses instead of Van Nuys. Home to 1.8 Million people, the San Fernando Valley is like a city of its own within the very large LA metro area. Overall, the Valley is a diverse region, with people of all ages, races and socio-economic standing. Crime rates vary greatly from city to city, sometimes even vastly different from block to block. As such, crimes in the Valley range from DUI and Driving on a Suspended License all the way up to Gang Crimes and Homicide. Here are a few of the criminal offenses handled with diligence, passion and care at the Law Offices of Nicholas Loncar: DRUG CRIMES | DUI | DUI CAUSING INJURY | DUI W/ PRIOR | FELONY DUI | VIOLENT CRIMES | THEFT CRIMES | PROSTITUTION/SOLICITATION | WEAPONS OFFENSES | SEX CRIMES | HOMICIDE | DOMESTIC VIOLENCE | JUVENILE OFFENSES | PROBATION VIOLATIONS | FELONY | MISDEMEANOR | MARIJUANA | DUI DRUGS | GANG CASES | VANDALISM | EXPUNGEMENT | APPEALS | CIVIL RIGHTS | THREE STRIKES | INFRACTION (TRAFFIC) | ILLEGAL FIREWORKS | JURY TRIALS | WATSON MURDER | FINANCIAL CRIMES | FEDERAL CRIMINAL DEFENSE EXAMPLES OF SAN FERNANDO VALLEY ARRESTS & CRIMINAL DEFENSE CASES: 1. Eric is driving home from a happy hour in Sherman Oaks when he encounters a DUI checkpoint on Ventura Boulevard. Eric turns before the checkpoint and is followed by the officer. He blows a .12 and is arrested. He also admits to using Xanax. Eric's Studio City Criminal Defense Attorney files a motion to suppress the stop and wins a DMV hearing on Eric's behalf. Even though Eric was driving with a BAC above the legal limit, his lawyer is able to save his license and help him avoid a conviction because the officer made an unlawful stop. Eric had a right to make the turn to avoid the checkpoint. 2. Wanda is caught removing a security tag from a dress at a store in Burbank. Store security calls the police, who come and arrest her. She is found with a flat screwdriver that she was using to remove the sensor. Due to the tools in her possession, Wanda is not charged with petty theft, but rather commercial burglary, pursuant to PC 459, and charged with a felony in Burbank courthouse. Wanda's Studio City criminal defense lawyer, is able to negate the evidence that Wanda had intent to steal at the time she entered the store, despite possession of the tool. The DA agrees to amend the charges to petty theft, and Wanda avoids jail time and gets a misdemeanor instead of a felony. 3. Fred and Jen are married and live together in North Hollywood. A neighbor calls the police when they hear Fred and Jen arguing, and hear a plate break. Neither Fred nor Jane speak great English, and the police officer called to the scene is not able to properly figure out what happened. He arrests Fred, seeing a large red mark on Jen's arm. It turns out the red mark is a permanent birthmark, and that Fred had nothing to do with it. Fred's LA criminal defense lawyer gets sworn statements from Jen and her doctor, and persuades the prosecutor to dismiss the case before filing. 4. Ryan, an Encino resident is in Toluca Lake for dinner. While at dinner, he and his friend share a bottle of wine and a cocktail. While driving home, Ryan hits the back of his car on a corner curb. Police come to the car and suspect that he is guilty of DUI. After performing some field sobriety tests and a quick breath test at the scene (PAS device), Ryan is placed under arrest. Ryan's Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorney asserts a Rising BAC defense on his behalf, showing that the evidence of his later high BAC did not prove he was above the legal limit at the time of driving. If you have been arrested or charged with a crime in Studio City, Toluca Lake, Burbank, Glendale, Sherman Oaks, Van Nuys, Encino, Valley Glen, Reseda, Tarzana, Northridge, Chatsworth, North Hills, Mission Hills, San Fernando, Panorama City, Sun Valley or anywhere else in the San Fernando Valley or in Los Angeles, contact the Law Offices of Nicholas Loncar now for a Free Consultation with a Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorney.
LAUREL CANYON CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY AND DUI LAWYER![]() Located on Ventura Boulevard in Studio City, the Law Offices of Nicholas Loncar provide passionate, aggressive and affordable criminal and DUI defense services to Laurel Canyon, Studio City, Hollywood Hills, Hollywood, and other locations throughout the San Fernando Valley and Los Angeles. Also nearby are Coldwater Canyon, Runyon Canyon, Cahuenga Pass and West Hollywood. Laurel Canyon is both centrally located, and quaint. Located in the prestigious Hollywood Hills region of Los Angeles, Laurel Canyon is much more than just a gateway between Hollywood and the San Fernando Valley (specifically, Studio City). Home to extravagant homes, celebrities, and lots of nature and scenery, Laurel Canyon is unique and beautiful. Historically, Laurel Canyon has been home to famous rock stars, and the party lifestyle that goes with that. While not the same scene that existed in those hills in the 1960s and 1970s, locals and visitors still lead exciting, eventful lives in the heart of the Hollywood Hills. Gangs and violent crimes that plague much of Los Angeles do not have a strong presence in this upscale neighborhood. Nonetheless, arrests do happen. This is where the help of a skilled criminal defense attorney comes in. DUI and DRUG CRIMES are most common. Additionally, DOMESTIC VIOLENCE cases are aggressively prosecuted throughout LA county, and Laurel Canyon and the Hollywood Hills are no exception. If the police are called due to a domestic disturbance, an arrest is likely, and serious criminal charges may follow. THEFT CRIMES, SEX CRIMES, and other crimes are less common, but do occur. If you have been arrested or charged with a crime in Laurel Canyon, Hollywood Hills, Hollywood, Studio City or anywhere in Los Angeles, contact the Law Offices of Nicholas Loncar for a free consultation. Arrests, or criminal charges, do not have to lead to convictions. You may have strong defenses, or the government may simply not have enough reliable evidence to convict. After discussing your case one on one with an attorney, you will have a better understanding of what to expect in court, whether you can avoid jail, what defenses you have available to you and more. LAPD patrols the area and criminal cases proceed to LA Superior Court. EXAMPLE OF A LAUREL CANYON ARREST AND CRIMINAL CASE: Geno, a Studio City resident, is driving home from a night out in West Hollywood. He had consumed two alcoholic beverages that night, but did not feel impaired, and felt safe to drive. While driving down the windy Laurel Canyon Boulevard through the hills, Geno's tire blows out, and he loses control of his vehicle, crashing into a median. He is not injured, but there was a nail in his tire and some damage to the front of his car. Geno attempts to call for help, but has no cell reception. After some time of attempting to reach assistance, Geno decides to try to change the tire. Just as Geno is finishing up, a police officer drives up and begins speaking with him about what happened. Geno tells the officer that he got a flat tire, and replaced it. Seeing the damage to the front of the vehicle, the officer begins to ask whether Geno had been drinking. Geno states that he had two drinks prior to driving, but cannot confirm the time. Geno is then asked to perform some field sobriety tests, which he refuses (as is his legal right). Next, the officer asks Geno to blow into a preliminary alcohol screening ("PAS") device, a handheld breathalyzer used by police as a sobriety test at the scene. Geno refuses this test, as is his right, pointing to the nail in his tire, and arguing that he has done nothing wrong. The officer places Geno under arrest for DUI and takes him back to the police station. At the station, Geno agrees to submit to a blood sample, and is transported to a nearby hospital for a blood draw. Geno is released the next morning and hires a Los Angeles DUI Lawyer to help him with the situation. The lawyer schedules a DMV Administrative Per Se Hearing within 10 days of the arrest to stop the automatic license suspension that would come out of his DUI arrest. The blood results come back at .10, above the legal limit, but not by much. Geno's attorney is able to persuade the DMV hearing officer that the arrest was not a lawful arrest. Without any evidence of bad driving (negated by the nail in the tire), without field sobriety tests, and without a PAS reading, the officer had very little evidence upon which to reach the probable cause necessary for arrest. Geno's suspension is set aside by the DMV and he is able to get his license back. Geno could still lose his license if convicted of DUI in court. While the prosecution did offer Geno a "wet reckless" reduction in exchange for a guilty plea, Geno's lawyer also files a motion to suppress evidence on grounds that the arrest was unlawful. Geno wins the motion, the evidence is suppressed and his DUI case is dismissed. This is the best possible outcome in this case, as Geno ends up with no conviction, no license suspension, no points on his license, and no fines or probation to the court. Being arrested or charged with a crime is frightening. We can help. You need a lawyer who can fight for you and assert your rights and defenses, and work tirelessly to get you the best outcome possible in your case. Nicholas M. Loncar, Esq. Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorney 12198 Ventura Blvd, Suite 207 Studio City, CA | 91604 t: 818-646-8788 | f: 818-646-8772 MOBILE: 323-803-4352 TOLL FREE: 888-200-9454 www.iDefendLosAngeles.com REDONDO BEACH CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY AND DUI LAWYER![]() REDONDO BEACH, CA is a small beach town in Los Angeles' South Bay region. Located South of Hermosa Beach and Manhattan Beach, West of Torrance, Lawndale and Gardena, and North of the Palos Verdes Peninsula, Hermosa Beach is upscale, suburban and right on the Pacific Ocean. South Redondo Beach is located along the Pacific Ocean, with Torrance to the East. North Redondo Beach is inland from beach cities Manhattan Beach and Hermosa Beach. North Redondo Beach is served by the Metro Green Line, and is the only beach city with Metro Access. The Green Line connects to LAX Airport, as well as to other lines that go to Downtown LA and the rest of Los Angeles. Redondo Beach has a population of over 65,000 people. Surfing, beach volleyball and other beach activities draw locals, Angelenos and tourists from around the world to Redondo Beach. The Redondo Beach Pier is also a big draw for tourists and locals alike. North Redondo Beach does not have ocean access, but is still a prominent residential and commercial region for the South Bay. The South Bay Galleria, a large, upscale shopping mall, is a major attraction for residents of Redondo Beach, Hermosa Beach, Manhattan Beach, Torrance, Gardena, Lawndale and the rest of LA's South Bay region. Redondo Beach's nightlife is centered around its downtown's Riviera Village, the Redondo Beach Pier, the Marina and Harbor. Redondo Beach Police Department is in charge of law enforcement for Redondo Beach, with the LA County Sheriff's Department having jurisdiction over the Metro Green Line stop. The Redondo Beach City Prosecutor prosecutes misdemeanor offenses occurring in Redondo Beach, including felony arrests rejected by the LA County District Attorney. The Los Angeles District Attorney handles felony prosecutions. Both misdemeanor and felony cases are heard at the Torrance Courthouse. If you have been arrested or charged with a crime in Redondo Beach, Hermosa Beach, Manhattan Beach, Palos Verdes, Torrance, Gardena, Lawndale or anywhere else in Los Angeles, you need a skilled, passionate and knowledgeable Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorney on your side to fight for you and assert important rights and defenses on your behalf. To discuss your case in greater detail and explore your defenses, options and likely outcomes, contact the Law Offices of Nicholas Loncar now for a free consultation with a Los Angeles Criminal Defense Lawyer. Free Consultations 888.200.9454. Redondo Beach has generally low crime rates for Los Angeles. Still, arrests and criminal charges are fairly common. DUI and Drug Crimes (including possession, transportation and sales of drugs like marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamine, ketamine, hallucinogens, heroin, prescription medications and more) are the most common offenses in Redondo Beach. Theft offenses, domestic violence ,sex crimes and vandalism are also prevalent. Regardless of your charges, there are defenses, and it takes a skilled, knowledgeable criminal defense lawyer to assert the right defenses and get the best possible outcome in your case. Whether through trial, plea negotiation or motions (motion to dismiss, motion to suppress evidence, etc.), your lawyer can help you avoid jail time, prison time, loss of your diver's license, loss of professional licensing or immigration and employment consequences. EXAMPLES OF REDONDO BEACH CRIMINAL CASES AND ARRESTS: 1. Adam, a Palos Verdes resident, is driving home from a night out in Hermosa Beach, when he is pulled over in Redondo Beach. Adam had about 3-4 drinks over the course of two hours, but does not yet feel the effects of alcohol and believes he is able to drive safely. Adam is pulled over for running a red light a split second too late. The officer smells alcohol and has Adam step out and perform some field sobriety tests. He also has Adam blow into a handheld breathalyzer, known as a Preliminary Alcohol Screening ("PAS") device. Adam blows a .09 and a .10. Adam is arrested and transported to the police station where he blows into a stationary breathalyzer, yielding a result of .14. Adam hires a skilled Los Angeles DUI Lawyer, who is able to assert the Rising BAC defense on Adam's behalf. The tests performed are fallible and have a margin of error. Moreover, the rising pattern in Adam's tests, suggest that Adam's BAC could very well have been below the legal limit at the time of his driving. This defense works in court and at the DMV hearing, and can keep Adam from getting a criminal conviction and allows him to keep his driver's license. 2. Sarah, a Redondo Beach resident, is a recreational drug user. Earlier in the day, Sarah snorted ketamine, and is having trouble walking straight on her way home. She steps into the street a few times, and draws the attention of a police officer. The Redondo Beach Police Officer stops Sarah and asks her if she has been drinking. Upon talking to Sarah, the officer believes she is under the influence of some drug. The officer asks Sarah if she has been using any drugs and she denies using any drugs. Nevertheless, Sarah is arrested for a violation of California's under the influence of a controlled substance (HS 11550). Upon searching Sarah's pockets, the officer also finds about a gram of cocaine. Now, Sarah is not only facing the misdemeanor HS 11550 charge, but is charged with a felony, possession of a controlled substance (HS 11350). Sarah hires a skilled, knowledgeable Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorney, and Sarah is permitted to do an outpatient drug treatment program instead of jail, and instead of a criminal conviction. When Sarah is done with the program, both charges will be dismissed. 3. Peter and Julia live together in their apartment in Redondo Beach. One evening, the couple is arguing over a Facebook message Peter received from another girl. Julia is angry, yelling and even throws a glass at Peter. Neighbors overhear the fighting and call the police. The officers separate Peter and Julia, with one officer talking to each of them. The officer questioning Julia tells her (untruthfully) that Peter said she was throwing objects at him and hit him. Peter did not say that, but police are allowed to lie, and do lie in order to induce confessions and accusations. The officer then asks Julia why she was throwing things at Peter and that she would go to jail unless she was defending herself. Angry and afraid, Julia says that Peter pushed her down on the ground (not true). The police got what they wanted, and arrest Peter. He is now charged with battery of a spouse or cohabitant (PC 243(e)(1)). Peter hires a skilled Los Angeles Criminal Defense Lawyer who is familiar with this deceptive police tactic, and understands that false accusations are common in this type of scenario. Peter's attorney asserts his right to a trial, and is able to get testimony about what really happened from all of the witnesses on the stand. The lawyer makes sure that the jury is disgusted with the officers' dirty technique and the jury returns a verdict of not guilty. Being arrested and charged with a crime is a scary and daunting process. It is important that you have a passionate, aggressive attorney, who knows how the criminal justice system works to fight for you. Nicholas M. Loncar, Esq. Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorney t: 213-375-3775 | f: 213-375-3099 Mobile: 323-803-4352 [email protected] 1200 Wilshire Blvd | Suite 406 Los Angeles, CA | 90017 www.iDefendLosAngeles.com ![]() MONTEBELLO CRIMINAL DEFENSE LAWYER AND DUI ATTORNEY MONTEBELLO, CA is located in Los Angeles County's San Gabriel Valley, just east of Los Angeles. Neighboring towns include East LA, Monterrey Park, South El Monte, Commerce, Bell Gardens, Pico Rivera and Whittier. Montebello is located in between LA's San Gabriel Valley, East Los Angeles and Southeastern LA's "Gateway Cities" as well. Montebello has a population of approximately 62,000 people. Nearly 80% of Montebello residents are Hispanic or Latino, making the area less ethnically diverse than much of LA County. The Montebello Police Department is in charge of law enforcement in Montebello. Criminal and traffic matters are heard at theEast Los Angeles Courthouse and crimes are aggressively prosecuted by the LA County District Attorney. Montebello has fairly average crime rates when compared with the rest of LA County. As with many other areas in Los Angeles, Montebello law enforcement and prosecutors place a special emphasis on DUI and Domestic Violence enforcement and prosecutions. For DUI, law enforcement devote a lot of resources to enforcing drunk driving laws, by setting up DUI checkpoints, giving officers extensive DUI training and are equipped with state of the art technology. Officers also receive special training for Domestic Violence investigations/court testimony, while the District Attorney has a special unit for aggressive prosecution of DV cases. Drug crimes are not uncommon. With everything from marijuana/medical marijuana cases, possession of a controlled substance, sale/transportation of a controlled substance, cultivation/manufacture, and drugs including methamphetamine, cocaine, PCP, prescription drugs, and more, there is a wide range of drug crimes in Montebello. There are also occasional theft crimes, ranging from petty theft all the way up to auto theft, burglary and robbery. A crime that is not often pursued in other parts of LA, or California, illegal fireworks possession and sales are taken very seriously in Montebello. With a special police task force and undercover sting operations to catch people who have illegal fireworks, it is clear that Montebello takes these cases very seriously. And the District Attorney takes them seriously as well. If you have been arrested or charged with a crime in Montebello, Alhambra, East LA, Monterrey Park, San Gabriel, Whittier, or elsewhere in Los Angeles, call the Law Offices of Nicholas Loncar now to speak to a Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorney about your case. Consultations are free and informative. An LA criminal lawyer can help you understand the court process, possible outcomes in your case and what defenses you might have to fight the case and beat the charges. SOME EXAMPLE OF MONTEBELLO ARRESTS AND CRIMINAL DEFENSE CASES: 1. Will, an Montebello resident, purchases several boxes of fireworks at a garage sale in Baldwin Park. Neither Will, nor the seller, know that it is illegal to possess these particular fireworks, but they are "dangerous fireworks" within the meaning of California's fireworks laws. Will plans to light some of the fireworks himself, and to give some away to friends. One of Will's friends tells Will that he can make a lot of money selling the fireworks he bought at the garage sale. Will posts an ad on Craigslist offering to sell the fireworks. He gets several responses, including one from an undercover detective in the El Monte Police Department. Will is arrested and faces misdemeanor charges. He needs a powerful negotiator on his side and hires a skilled, passionate Los Angeles Criminal Defense Lawyer to assist him. 2. Jon, an East LA resident is at a family barbecue in Montebello, where he eats a lot of food and has a few beers. Jon has an extensive criminal history and the police often pay extra close attention to him based on his appearance and car. Jon is driving home from the BBQ, careful to follow traffic laws and maintain a safe speed. After just a few blocks, Jon is pulled over by a Montebello PD officer, who smells alcohol and begins a DUI investigation. The officer has Jon do a series of field sobriety tests while his partner searches Jon's car. The officer locates a handgun and an ounce of methamphetamine in Jon's car. Jon is arrested and charged with being Armed with a Firearm while possessing narcotics (HS 11370.1) and transportation of meth for sale (HS 11379). Jon needs a skilled, aggressive Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorney to file and argue a PC 1538.5 Motion to Suppress Evidence. If the lawyer is successful in arguing that the officer did not have probable cause to stop Jon, ALL of the evidence will be thrown out and all charges dismissed. 3. Andrea, a Montebello resident is caught at a store stealing clothing items. Andrea is about to start nursing school and is very concerned about her future. She hires an LA criminal defense lawyer to represent her. Her lawyer is able to negotiate with the store to do what is called a "civil compromise" whereby Andrea will pay the store a few hundred dollars and they will sign a release to be presented in the criminal court and have the criminal charge dismissed. The Law Offices of Nicholas Loncar provide Montebello, the San Gabriel Valley, the Gateway Cities, Los Angeles and all of Southern California with passionate, aggressive and affordable criminal defense services. If you have been arrested or charged with a crime, call now for a free consultation with a Los Angeles Criminal Defense Lawyer. Nicholas M. Loncar, Esq. t. 323.803.4352 | f. 323.617.3838 www.iDefendLosAngeles.com [email protected] Published By: Nicholas Loncar | Written by Nicholas Loncar |
"Mr. Loncar has a great reputation in the legal community. I highly endorse his service to anyone in need of legal help."
-Attorney Andrew Leone HOME | ATTORNEY PROFILE | PRACTICE AREAS | KNOW YOUR RIGHTS | BLOG | CONTACT | PASSION AND PERSONAL SERVICE The Law Offices of Nicholas Loncar, located on Wilshire Boulevard in Los Angeles, provide tenacious, passionate and affordable criminal defense to clients throughout Southern California. If you're facing criminal charges or are under investigation, contact our office today for a free consultation. LA Attorney Nicholas Loncar is deeply committed to criminal defense and fights hard for his clients in every case.
Law Offices of Nicholas Loncar
1200 Wilshire Blvd
Los Angeles,
Phone: 213-375-3775
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